Lorenz Attractor
The Lorenz attractor is a cool, fun piece of mathematical art to plot in 3d space.
This ThreeJS experment is a tribute to the synthwave/retrowave music genre which tends to feature some fantastic 80's inspired artwork.
LaunchHappy Halloween!
A fun carve-your-own pumpkin experiment for Halloween! The leaves are interactive and are created using mesh instancing with dynamic colour, size and rotation.
LaunchCreate a Snowman
A ThreeJS experiment where you can build your own snowman and then decorate it. The snow itself uses a dynamically drawn displacement map (onto a canvas element) during the gathering stage.
2d x/y to 1d index conversion (and vice-versa)
Mapping 2d x/y into a 1d array index and vice-versa
LaunchOpen Windows Explorer From a WSL Terminal
Launch Windows explorer directly from a WSL terminal session